Monday 16 March 2015

Friday 13 March 2015

Final adjustments to the Digi Pak

I added in a barcode, Record Label, copyright information, the album name on the binding, some lyrics from steady heart and some more detail to the CD. I used Photoshop to make these adjustments. These adjustments make the digi pak look more professional.

Final Adjustments to Website

To make final adjustments to the website I updated the video of our music video, before it was our rough cut so I changed it to our final video. Evidence of this below.

Another adjustment I added was merchandise, I decided on creating two t-shirts for the band with the same logo/theme upon them as I felt that would the merchandise the bands themselves would have. I decided on both male and female t-shirts, as our band reach both audiences. 

I added the font on word as I felt a certain font on the format went well with the bands image, I also did this to show a range of use of media's.

I also decided to add additional text to the image of the merchandise to 'draw' the audience in. I added 'Are you an Archetype?' to the middle of the image to make the audience think if they're a fan.
I also added link to where fans/audience can the pieces of merchandise.

The final adjustment that I made was to the banner. The banner is the only subject on the website that will be seen on every page. I decided to add promotion to the banner for the band's website, before the banner projected the bands album but now it also shows the release date and also where the album can be bought.

Friday 20 February 2015

Question 2

Sophie Bishop
Sophie Gordon

How successful have you been in the quality of the Brand Identity across the 3 forms?
How well does the campaign promote the album release through the music video, website and digipak as 1 campaign?
How successfully have you constructed a consistent Brand Identity?